Third-party billing

Third-party billing is a company that does the billing for another provider.

In the case of Illuminated Midwifery (and many independent midwives), to keep operations small and costs down, we do not accept direct insurance billing.

Direct Insurance billing is extremely costly and inefficient. Midwives often find that adequate reimbursement from insurance companies is hard to come by. Midwives are reimbursed at rates significantly lower than their operating costs. Midwives have to wait months to receive payment, or they are asked to resubmit billing an inordinate amount of times. Because of these factors, many Midwives and other providers opt for direct payment.

Illuminated Midwifery allows for payment plans, early payment discounts, and payment with health savings accounts. Illuminated Midwifery requires complete payment of the service fee by thirty-four weeks of care. 

The way that third-party billing works is that before you come into care (or during care) you fill out a verification of benefits. Here is the link for Illuminated Midwifery’s third-party biller:

The verification of benefits/VOB tells you if Licensed Midwifery and out-of-hospital birth are covered under your specific plan. Unfortunately, this doesn't typically tell you at what rates they will credit/reimburse you. 

Birth professional billing starts the process of clients receiving credit/reimbursement once you've completed care after your six-week postpartum visit. It is at this point that the third-party billing company sends the billing/coding to your insurance plan for them to review. Once the insurance company has reviewed the information the insurance company decides what amount of credit or reimbursement you’ll receive.

Takeaway points: clients fill out the VOB (see above link).

Clients pay the Midwife directly in total by thirty-four weeks.

Once you've had all of your postpartum care, clients email Birth Professional Billing. Birth professional billing submits coding to your insurance to help you get reimbursed/credited for the payment you've made for your care. How much you are reimbursed/credited is at the discretion of your particular insurance or share plan. 

Feel free to use the Contact Us page if you have more questions surrounding coming into care.


Birth Kit info.


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